Jess Wedel, May 14, 2023
First ovarian cancer survivor in
history to summit Mount Everest

Know Your History. Save Your Future.

Welcome to the

Any Mountain Project

Fighting ovarian cancer is like climbing Mount Everest. The world’s tallest mountain stands at 29,029 feet, a monumental journey, but every step we take up the mountain brings us closer to the top. The Any Mountain Project is committed to summiting ovarian cancer through creativity and research.

This spring, we are sending a group of ovarian cancer survivors, medical providers and caregivers to the rooftop of the world to put the first ovarian cancer survivors ever on the 29,029 foot summit.

How We are Summiting

  1. We’re raising awareness about Ovarian Cancer through music, dance, and an app encouraging everyone to learn about their family cancer histories so they can recognize risks early and take steps to save their future.
  2. We’re raising money to support the Any Mountain Expedition Team, a unique group of leading ovarian cancer specialists from all over the United States, as they develop methods of early detection and prevention. 
Screenshot of Any Mountain Song music video.

Any Mountain Music Video

  • Inspire people to learn about their family cancer history
  • Raise funds for research to change the future
  • Prevent ovarian cancer

About Ovarian Cancer

About 21,750 Americans will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year. About 13,940 will die. It’s the fifth deadliest cancer for women, even though many cases could be prevented.

The lack of prevention strategies, early detection methods, curative treatment options, public education, and research funding makes the need for innovative action paramount.

It began as a song. It became a video.
It started a movement.

Early Detection is Everything

About 20% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer have a hereditary tendency to develop the disease. Early detection is everything. Take the quiz to find out if you are at risk.

Download the Track that Began Our Story

Listen on Apple Music
Available at Amazon AppStore